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Quick Guide for Reviewers

Have something on your mind? Share your experiences and opinions with us.

If you’re new to Rummmor or just want to understand more about how things work around here, this guide will help you learn how to start writing reviews.

At Rummmor, you can share your thoughts with other members by submitting a review, whether it's about the brand's products or services you've bought or used. You can also select a rating and add photos to support your statement. 

Ready to submit your first review? Let's get started! 

Get started

To write a review, you’ll need to create your profile by the following steps: 

  • Visit to rummmor.com 
  • Look for Log In  button on the top right side of the website
  • Click on Sign Up and fill in the form 
  • Once you’re done, log in with the email address and password you created

We believe in trust and transparency, so it's important to us that every review comes from a genuine person with real experience. Your profile also helps us keep you updated if the brand’s team responds to your review or reaches out to solve any problems. 

How do I write reviews?

Before you can submit a review, please take a look at the eligibility requirements in the Community Guidelines (https://www.rummmor.com/community-guidelines). Submissions that don’t require our Community Guidelines will be removed from the website. 

Now it’s time to let others know about your experience. Follow these steps to begin your reviews:

  • Sign in to your Rummmor account.
  • Find the profile of the brand you want to review. Simply write the brand’s name using the search bar and click the profile.
  • Select Write Review below the brand’s icon.
  • Select a star rating (1-5 stars).
  • Describe your honest experience, including pros and cons. Then, give your review a title. Be honest and specific.
  • Add photos if relevant.
  • Add tags to your review.
  • Click “Submit Review” to publish your review.

Can I edit my reviews?

Absolutely, you can! If you’d like to add more details or make updates, feel free to edit it—but remember, you can only do it once. After that, you won’t be able to edit your review again. This policy is final and non-negotiable, so we appreciate your understanding.  


That’s all! Your reviews provide valuable insight for both shoppers and brand owners. If you want to discover more about Rummmor, check out more articles here. 

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